PT Bank BTN (Persero) Tbk, open opportunities for Indonesia's best sons and daughters who have a passion for achievement, able to work in a team, strong commitment and integrity as well as to look attractive to join the Bank for the following positions:
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. opens an opportunity for the Tenaga Security/SATPAM with the following conditions:
- ID Card Copy, KSK
- Photo whole body (seluruh badan)
- Curiculum Vitae
- SKCK from police
- Minimum high school graduate / equal
- Maximum age, not more than 25 years
- Minimum height 170 cm
- Now an experienced and has a basic education certificate security police (DIKSAR)
- Letter Description Not Married
- Physically and spiritually healthy and not involved the application of drugs (Letter Doctor Info)
Application later than 24 September 2011
Ditujukan ke:
Panitia Rekrutmen
PT. BKP Cabang Sidoarjo
Dengan alamat:
Bank BTN Cabang Sidoarjo
Jl. A Yani No. 15 Sidoarjo Jawa Timur