Bank Muamalat as the first Islamic bank in Indonesia is committed to providing banking services that not only sharia-compliant, but also innovative and highly competitive. Along with the growth Muamalat, we are constantly improving infrastructure and quality human resources. For that we need human resources are brilliant and dynamic Muamalat to grow together, becoming a pioneer in the banking industry in Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat
- Male / Female, age maximum 25 years
- Look attractive (for female prioritized using jilbab)
- Minimum height 160 cm (female), 165 cm (male)
- S1 all the majors with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (PTS) and 2.75 (PTN)
- Willing to live in Karawang
- Passed following the Written Test, Interview, PsikoTest, TOEFL, and the Health Test
- There is no family relationship with the Employees and Directors of the Bank Muamalat
Bank Muamalat Indonesia KCP Karawang,
Jl. Tuparev 297 Karawang –
Jawa Barat, Kode POS 41315
writte RM code on the right of the envelope